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$KNKY: Part 2. How to get Kinky Coin

$KNKY Coin Price Chart - Liquidity

Below is a chart of Kinky Coins' current value if you were to swap it on Uniswap with Ethereum. Because it's paired with Ethereum, its value tracks with Ethereum but also by how much people are buying and selling and the amount of liquidity that is in the coin on various DEXs'.

Currently, there is little liquidity since no one except me has very much of $KNKY to add to the market. As I sell $KNKY, most of the Ethereum gained will be used to add to the liquidity and make $KNKY more valuable and more stable. In part 1 I linked to the white paper that you can download and this explains in more detail what I plan. Cryptocurrency is a volatile investment so it isn't something that is at all guaranteed to make money. It can go up in price quickly. It can also go down in price just as quickly. Please do your research before investing more than you can afford to lose.

So how can you invest and support the kinky cause? There are a couple of options and hopefully, if $KNKY catches fire, more will be added. With all of these options, you will need an Ethereum crypto wallet such as MetaMask. Google MetaMask to learn more about crypto wallets.

Option 1: TryRoll Membership. Coming soon!! Every 30 days I will make available up to 500,000 $KNKY for purchase in lots. Each lot will have a certain number of $KNKY coins for sale at .01 Eth. The current market value of Ethereum determines how much each lot will cost. I will change the number of coins in each lot monthly so that each $KNKY will be cost is well below the current value you see in the chart above. For example, if $KNKY is valued at $ 0.15 per coin, I will sell them closer to $ 0.10 per coin. Because the value of Ethereum can go up or down and change the value of $KNKY, I will adjust accordingly each month.

Option 2: Swap Ethereum for $KNKY on Coinbrain. This is a limited option right now as there isn't much liquidity to work with. But if you have some Ethereum in your crypto wallet you can connect it and swap Ethereum for the 1000 $KNKY that is available right now. More will be added over the coming weeks and months. Use the form below to get started.

Option 3: Buy directly from The Kink Manifesto. If you want to purchase a larger amount of $KNKY Coin directly, you can send an email to me with how much you want to buy and we will work out a fair price. Email at:

Note: Buying, trading, and swapping cryptocurrency requires a transaction fee in addition to the price to buy or swap coins. These are known on the Ethereum network as gas fees and change based on network traffic. To reduce fees, make your trades and purchases when traffic is lighter such as weekends late at night.

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